Here is some info about the events that are a part of the Fall Camporee
At each Event Station, historians and re-enactors will tell the boys
about the historical significance of this particular location, as it relates to the
Vicksburg Campaign; they will demonstrate an aspect of soldier's life during
the Civil War.
At each Event Station there will be a very simple team building
activity, which the Adult leaders will supervise. This activity will engage the
boys for 10 or 15 minutes while waiting for the group in front to finish the
history lesson. All materials and supplies for the Teamwork Activity will be
provided to the Host Troop.
The Event Trail is 1.5 mile loop.
History lesson: Running the Gauntlet
Teamwork Activity: "Giant Slingshot"
Giant Slingshot
Scouts will launch tennis balls at plywood cutout of Civil War Gunboat
History lesson: U.S. Infantry
Teamwork Activity: "Island Hopping"
Island Hopping
Equipment: Two 2x4x12" boards for each Troop member;
plus one extra 2x4x12" board
Procedure: Place the 2x4x12" boards in a single line on
the floor, perpendicular to the finish line. Each patrol
member stands on two of the boards, facing the finish
line. One board should be left unused at the rear of the
patrol line. On signal, the extra board is passed
up the line from the last player to the first, who places
the board down in front of him and steps onto it with
his rear foot. Each Scout in line advances by moving his
rear foot to the newly vacated board ahead of him. The
remaining empty board is passed forward and the process
is repeated. If a Scout steps off a board, the
entire Troop must move back and start over.
History lesson: U.S. Navy
Teamwork Activity: "Tangle Knot"
Tangle Knot
Procedure: Ask a group of 10 to 16 Scouts to form a tight
circle. Have everyone close their eyes and extend their
hands toward the center of the circle. Ask each person
to grasp someone else's hands in both of his hands,
keeping his eyes closed. When every hand is grasping
another hand, tell the participants to open their eyes
and listen to their objective.
Object: Without letting go of hands, the group is to
unwind, freeing themselves from the seemingly impossible
knot and forming a circle.
1. Hand-to-hand contact may not be broken when
unwinding the knot. Grips may change and palms
may pivot on one another, but contact must be
2. When the group is finally arranged in a circle, the
arms of some individuals might be crossed. This is
part of an acceptable solution.
3. If time is running out, the problem can be simplified
by breaking one grip and asking the group to form a
single line instead of a circle.
History lesson: Artillery
Teamwork Activity: "Swamp Walker"
Swamp Walker
Equipment: one pair of Swamp Walkers for each team,
made from 2x4 x 8 ft long with rope loop handles.
Procedure: Clear a relatively flat area 50 ft wide.
A team of four Scouts puts their feet on board and grasp the rope loops.
Team must coordinate leg movements to navigate Swamp Walker across the
field, and then return to the starting point. This can be run as a relay.
History lesson: Cavalry
Teamwork Activity: "Newspaper Basketball"
Newspaper Basketball
Equipment: A stack of old newspapers; 5-gallon bucket ; 10 ft measuring
Procedure: The Scouts in each Troop line up in relay formation.
Place the 5-gallon bucket 10 feet in front of each Troop.
The first Scout in each line crumples one sheet of newspaper into a ball,
then tries to throw the newspaper ball into the bucket.
If he succeeds, the second Scout takes his turn. If he doesn't
succeed, he must retrieve his newspaper ball, return, and throw
until he makes it in. (He does not crumple a new sheet after each miss).
History lesson: C.S. Infantry
Teamwork Activity: Hoola-hoop Pass"
Hoola-hoop Pass
Equipment: hoola-hoop
Procedure: Ask a group of 10 to 16 Scouts to form a tight circle.
Place a hoola-hoop on someones arm.
Have everyone grasp hands.
On go, the Scouts move the hoola hoop around the circle while
holding hands. The person's adjacent to the boy with the hoop
can help manipulate the hoola-hoop around his body, as long
as their hands do not come unclasp.
Rocky Springs
History lesson: C.S. Home Front
Teamwork Activity: "Period Correct Meals"
Period Correct Meals
Patrols will describe how the researched, selected and prepared their period
correct breakfast and supper.
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